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Best Sexologist in Noida
Sexologists are psychiatrists themselves who have studied human sexuality in their course of study. They are well versed in understanding the different characteristics of sexual problems in human beings. Sex is an activity without which human progeny will never possible on earth and it is quite necessary to lead a happy life. Normally when a person is undergoing such problems they don’t like to share their intimate moments with anyone and feels hesitation in going for treatment, mostly they do not get even whom to consult for their problem but a sexologist who is along with a psychiatrist will first mentally make them comfortable with them and provides the treatment as per the requirement of the patient. A few years back there were bare doctors or psychiatrist available for sexual problems but now with changing the course of time and trends, they are getting more clients now as gradually people are thinking more liberally about these issues although sex is strongly connected to human’s physical, mental and psychological health, it recognizes the regulation and happiness in our relationships hence consultation for such problems is very necessary for health or in general a medical intervention is always needed for sexual problems best sexologist sometimes takes the help of Ayurveda since it has not any side effects and treats various sexual disorders. Dr. Ajay Nihlani is among the best sexologist in Noida & Sexologist in Indirapuram who has more than a decade of experience in his field of expertise. Exclusively he is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) via exam, a member of the American Psychiatric Association, and a Fellow of the Indian Psychiatric Society.
Work Experience: 17 Years
Education & Training: MBBS(LLRM Medical College, Meerut), M.D. (Psychiatry, SN Medical College, Agra), Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, United Kingdom (MRC Psych)
Speciality of Interest: Psychiatric Disorders, Emotional Disorders, Childhood Disorders, ADHD, Dicrese Scholastic Performance, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Mental Retard ION, Specific Learning Deficuiltes (Exe. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysarthria) Psychosexual Medicine including PME (Premature Ejaculation), ED (Erectile Dysfunction), Low Libido, Disinterest in Sexual partner.
Name: Dr Ajay Nihalani: Best Psychiatrist in Noida | Best sexologist in Noida | Sexologist in Indirapuram
Address: Fortis Hospital, Sector 62, Noida.
Appointment Number: 0120- 4300222, 2400222, +91-9650795453
Timing:- 10 AM - 12 PM Monday to Saturday
Dr. Ajay Nihalani - Sexologist Noida Location :
When a person needs a Best Sexologist in Noida
There are many sexual disorders for which a person need to consult with a sexologist in Noida or Sexologist in Indirapuram without procrastination:-
Erectile Dysfunction in Men and Women:- It is an inability to hold an erection, it can happen sometimes normally in males but when this becomes persistent u need to visit a sexologist because it can cause stress, lack of confidence in the relationship.
Pain During and After Intercourse:- Feeling pain during or after intercourse is traumatic for any of the partners, it could take place because of infections and lesions. It is a quite fine reason to meet a sexologist and not suffering for silence.
Apart from these are many common concerns for which sexologists treat individuals are like lack of desire, difficulty in maintaining arousal, fear of intimacy and pain, premature ejaculation, feeling the abnormal and ashamed sexual compulsion, sexual trauma, and sexual orientation identity. So before consulting for your sexual problems from the unqualified one’s it is important to know what kind of formal education and training does a practitioner have in the area of human sexuality.
Note:- Dr. Ajay Nihalani does not be in " STDs ie, Sexually transmitted Decisses. Kindly consults a good skin specialist in your area.